


Dr. and Danny

I injured my right lower back (QL area) while playing golf. I recently went to see Dr. Barbaro for treatment of this injury. This is not the first time I have had this back condition.

Dr. Barbaro's treatment was so effective, that I was not only able to participate in the recent *US Open Pickleball Championships*, but I won medals in 4 of the 5 events!

Thank you Dr. Barbaro.

~Denny Vincent - Naples

Living Proof: Chiropractic Works!

** HIP PAIN **

What condition first brought you to our office? Hip pain.

What treatments did you first try? None. 

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Very much so, great job. 

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Feel great! 

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Walking with no pain. 

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Made me feel great. 

~ Homer S.



What condition first brought you to our office? Severe neck, back, and knee pain. 

What treatments did you first try? None. 

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? My knees feel better than they have in years even with playing high intensity basketball. My neck and back also really improved. 

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Helping me maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? The same activities as before. 

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? The ability to not have to worry about joint pain. 

~ Mathew E.


What condition first brought you to our office? My balance, neck, back and shoulders.

What treatments did you first try? Medication, physical therapy.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? I now walk straight, free of lower back pain.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Yes. Now I can walk STRAIGHT! I can do activities that my back inhibited me from doing.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Walking distance & Shopping.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? That I've been in and out of therapy for years due to surgery at the age of 31. I am now 55 and what has helped me the most is chiropractic therapy with Dr. Barbaro. She's Wonderful!

~ Lori S. 


What condition first brought you to our office? Low back pain accompanied with extremely difficult and painful movement.

What treatments did you first try? X-Ray and muscle relaxers with steroids.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? After ONE treatment my pain level was cut in HALF. I was able to walk comfortably. In addition, I am sleeping much better. I don't toss and turn trying to get comfortable. I also feel myself standing taller and straighter.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Chiropractic has had a positive impact on my overall attitude. I feel better which translates to happiness!

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Walking!! I was out of work before treatment and now I am back at 110%.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? The overall holistic health advantages to my entire self are very exciting.

~ Becky L.


What condition first brought you to our office? Pain in Lower Back and Legs.

What treatments did you first try? Therapy, Medications & Cortisone Injections.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Pain has greatly improved. Have been able to sleep.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Standing for long periods of time has improved.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Bending over, getting out of bed.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Feeling better and able to do things without pain.

~ Virginia Y. Age 82

Dr. Dee, we are so thankful to you and your chiropractic care. It's rare that we get sick. Our son hasn't missed one day of school. What a blessing!

Thank you so much for your faithfulness and your attentiveness to each patient. We appreciate your staff and each of them and the kindness and welcome they give.

We sure appreciate you!!

~ The D***** Family


What condition first brought you to our office? Unable to walk, stand or sit. Have shooting pains in my neck and hip down to my heel.

What treatments did you first try? All kinds of stretching and heat.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Has made life (as I know it) possible again. Am back to all the activities/sports as before but my body is functioning and performing more smoothly. Have definitely been given a better life through chiropractic.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Sleep better and has spurred an interest in better care of the body in other ways – i.e. diet exercises and yoga.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? I can now apply sun screen to my entire back on my own (a big deal to me). The biggest one has to be that the day I get adjusted; I feel a true/full level of relaxation.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? The “fine-tuned” feel of perfect alignment / symmetry. Not having to “hold” my body at any position is a new level of freedom.

~ Corey B. 


What condition first brought you to our office? Chronic neck and back pain last 15 years.

What treatments did you first try? Pain medication, epidurals, massage, yoga, TENS and chiropractic.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? In a very short period of time, my neck and back have both improved dramatically. I have been able to reduce my dosage of pain medication. I continue to follow my exercise and traction routines daily for this is the road to wellness that has been mapped out for me.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? I now walk taller than my 5’6” frame and my energy level is the highest in 15 years. I have shared my results with my physicians, friends and coworkers that also are in pain.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Continue to do almost anything but able to work longer hours with less resultant pain.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Disappointed that the medical field seems so reluctant to prescribe chiropractic and why X-Rays are not mandatory of 10 years for wellness checks. Thanks to all in Dr. Barbaro’s office.

~ Gene


What condition first brought you to our office? Auto Accident

What treatments did you first try? Emergency Room. They sent me home with pain pills and muscle relaxers.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Decrease of pain, stiffness increase range of motion. Overall just feel better. Enjoying my daily activities much more.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Being in sales, having pain and discomfort affected my sales. My treatments have put me in a much better mood, increasing my sales.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Able to ride my Harley pain free with a much greater range of motion. Back in the gym again.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Thank you to Dr. D. and the rest of the girls!!

~ Peter M.

What condition first brought you to our office? Lower back was out of alignment

What treatments did you first try? Ice/Heat

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Dr. Deanna Barbaro took a whole body approach to my condition. Having worked on my feet my entire adult life there was more to be treated than just my lower back. My entire spine needed attention and Dr. Barbaro has set a course of treatment to re-align my spine and make me pain free.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Almost pain free.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? I have always been active with biking and surfing. Dr. Barbaro allows me to continue this in confidence.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Getting back to a healthy posture and pain free.

~ Rick R.

What condition first brought you to our office? Pain: shoulders, neck, lower back, migraines

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Yes – less pain, better movement over all. Headaches are less frequent, less severe.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? Can now stand for longer periods of time.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? I now can take care of the yard and gardening work.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Dr. ‘D’ & STAFF! Just great people. Getting better and better.

~ David

What condition first brought you to our office? Back pain and headaches

What treatments did you first try? Pain killers

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? I have more energy and barely take pain killers. My headaches are very rare and I barely have any back pain.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? I have more energy now and my immune system has improved.

~ Frances M.

What condition first brought you to our office?Extreme back pain

What treatments did you first try? Chiropractic care

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Almost completely pain free today.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? To know that I have the best aligned spine and healthy body.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Stand for long periods of time.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Reaching ultimate healthy goals.

~ Barbara G.

What condition first brought you to our office?Back pain after pregnancy and the birth of my daughter

What treatments did you first try? 4 Adjustments a week for 4 weeks

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? Yes, tremendously! Back pain is essentially gone. I can move/bend certain ways without the fear of tweaking my back.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? I feel like I have better posture and feel taller.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Pick up my one year old without pain. Move her in/out of her car seat without pulling my back!!

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? No Pain! Back to "normal" before I got pregnant.

~ Stacie C. 

What condition first brought you to our office?Extreme pain in my lower back and hips

What treatments did you first try? Icy patches and exercises

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? I'm still a work in progress, but the progress thus far has been phenomenal! I can now arise in the morning without feeling my pain. The pain in my hips and lower back has completely gone. I do the exercises Dr. Dee has prescribed every day, which eases any discomfort I might be having at that time.

Are there other positive aspects in which Chiropractic care has impacted your life? I am now living almost pain free!

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to before? Crocheting, walking, shopping, and volunteering.

What excites you the most about your Chiropractic care? Dr. Dee has been the best thing that ever happened to me and my back! I highly recommend Dr. Dee!! Office staff is fantastic!

~ Karen S. 

"Upon entering the 'A Better Life Chiropractic' office, I was pleased to see the smiles and professional attitude from the front desk staff. They set the tone for a pleasant experience in chiropractic care.

I observed knowledge and the gift of chiropractic care from Dr. Deein her approach to a better life for their patients. This also was present when my health issues were shared. I continue to appreciate that concern for my well-being and look forward to a better life through this chiropractic office."

~ Dixie C.

Why I LOVE 'A Better Life Chiropractic:

"When I entered Dr. Barbaro's office in March of this year, I could hardly walk. The back spasms that I was experiencing were constant. A slight move would cause severe pain. In fact, almost in tears, I decided on chiropractic care. New to this area, I went through the yellow pages and visited websites. I picked ‘A Better Life Chiropractic’ and the moment I first met Dr. D and her staff, I knew I made the right decision. The entire office staff was just wonderful, making a 65 year old man, in excruciating pain, feel welcomed. There was a sense that everyone sincerely wanted to help.

An initial consultation with Dr. D (more like conversation with a friend) led her to make a decision to immediately fit me into her busy schedule. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated those first visits. After the initial adjustments and a topical applied to my back, I left her office, able to walk with very little pain. My spirits were lifted knowing that I was going to get the care necessary for a full recovery.

I continued treatment three times a week for a few months and before long the muscle spasms completely abated. The soreness in my back continued for another month or so, but with the exercises recommended by Dr. D and massage therapy by Mary, they too subsided. I am back playing golf on a daily basis and happy to say that I am pain free thanks to Dr. D and her staff. If you are in pain and need chiropractic care, there can be no one better than Dr. D and her staff. Thank you all!"

~ Peter S.

What condition first brought you to our office? Extreme neck pain (upper) and some (low) back pain. Also neck pain was triggering headaches. It was also getting hard to walk. Had pain in the legs from the back.

What treatments did you first try? Medicines (prescriptions), physical therapy, cortisone injections, several doctors.

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? I no longer have the pain every day. I can walk with limited amount of pain. I finally am sleeping better at night. Even my headaches have dimineshed from what they used to be. I no longer have the shooting pain in my neck, like I use to except every so often. I can finally live again.

Are there other positive aspects in which chiropractic care has impacted your life? I am able to do everyday chores around the house again, without constant pain.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to do before? Household chores, sitting in my car while driving!

What excites you most about your Chiropractic care? pain free almost every day. No headaches every day - Bless the staff & Dr. Barbaro.

~ Cheri C.

What condition first brought you to our office? Lower back pain that was not going away after a couple of weeks.

What treatments did you first try? Heat pad then ice. I even tried muscle relaxers. "Yuk Pills"

How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? At first (month) I did not get much relief but after 3 months the pain is gone. But the thing everyone else has noticed is my posture is like it was 20 years ago. At 56 I was beginning to feel "older". Now I feel much more flexible. Can ride my bike more comfortable and longer.

Are there other positive aspects in which chiropractic care has impacted your life? I think my overall attitude is much better. Feel better about my structure.

What activities are you now able to perform after receiving Chiropractic care that you weren't able to do before? I can dance and not hurt the next day. Walk much longer and faster paced.

What excites you most about your Chiropractic care? Pain relief! I'm real wimpy when it comes to pain!

~ Mary K.


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3:30 pm-6:00 pm








Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "What condition first brought you to our office? My balance, neck, back and shoulders

    What treatments did you first try? Medication, physical therapy

    How have you benefited from Chiropractic care? I now walk straight, free of lower back pain...more"
    Lori S. - NAPLES, FL